Auto Trader

Automate your trading strategy and remove the human emoitons while trading

Trade Copier

Have no time to trade copy the sucessfull traders from around the globe

Low Latency

Lightning fast execution speed single digit latency to brokers

Staregy Tester

Test your strategy using real data from broker tick by tick


Many built in indicators available and you can develop many new indicators using c#


Use Built in editor or visual studio to write your bots and indicators

Ready to get started?

Launch a Copier in Cloud with single digit mili sec latency to borkers
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C# Most Popular Language

Write your bot/indicator in c# most popular language using advanced visual studio editor or hire programmers from around the globe

Connect with external platfroms

Built in MT4/MT5 Connector you can place trades from existing indicator or EA




Cloud and self hosted

You can run trader and copier in cloud or self hosted

Ready to get started?

Launch a Bot in Cloud with lighting fast execution
Get Started